Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 2, Issue 9 | Case Report | Open Access
Kalpana Nagpal1*, Noor-Ul-Din Malik1, Kamal Goyal1, Ansari SH1, Venus Rawat1 and Vikas Kashyap2
1Department of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery and Robotic Surgery, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, India
2Department of Pathology, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, India
*Correspondance to: Kalpana Nagpal
Fulltext PDFMaffucci syndrome is an extremely rare disorder characterized by benign overgrowths of cartilage (enchondromas), skeletal deformities and cutaneous lesions composed of abnormal blood vessels (hemangioma). Enchondromas arise in bones, most frequently in the hands and feet, and less often in the legs and long bones of the arm. We present a case report of hemangioma right side base of tongue and operated enchondroma left foot labelled as Maffucci syndrome. Patient underwent MRI contrast neck and after confirming the diagnosis, patient underwent robotic tongue base excision of hemangioma. No blood transfusion was required as robotic surgery is minimally invasive with minimal bleeding. Patient stay in hospital was only 1 day and recovered completely after the surgery and is doing well currently with no recurrence.
Maffucci syndrome; Hemangioma tongue; Transoral robotic surgery
Nagpal K, Noor-Ul-Din Malik, Goyal K, Ansari SH, Rawat V, Kashyap V. Transoral Robotic Excision of Hemangioma Tongue in Rare Case of Maffucci Syndrome. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019; 2(9): 1071.