Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 2, Issue 8 | Research Article | Open Access
Smadar C Atsmoni1*, Hila Weinberger2, Efrat Shummer2, Reut Sakat2, Cahtia Adelman2, Nitay D Fraenkel3, Rachel Fraenkel2 and Ophir Ilan1
1Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Tel Aviv University, Israel 2Department of Communication Disorders, Hadassah Academic College, Israel 3Department of Respiratory Rehabilitation, ALYN Pediatric Rehabilitation Center, Israel
*Correspondance to: Smadar C Atsmoni
Fulltext PDFIntroduction: Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) is a common pathology in children. Children with tracheotomy are at an increased risk of developing OME. Since pediatric tracheotomy has become relatively common in recent year, it is of great importance to properly assess the occurrence of OME and identify contributing factors in this population. Materials and Methods: A prospective cohort study in pediatric patients with tracheotomy treated in a rehabilitation center. Data regarding the patient’s medical history, duration and manner of ventilation, modes of feeding and the use of pacifier was gathered. Middle ear status was determined by otoscopy and tympanometry. Results: The 22 patients participated in the study; data was gathered regarding 43 ears. In the study population, 70% of the ears had pathologic tympanograms. Patients who received full or partial respiratory supports had a higher incidence of pathologic tympanograms compared to those with spontaneous breathing (70% vs. 50%). The incidence of pathologic tympanogram was higher in patients who were enterally fed compared to orally fed (75.9% vs. 57.1%). Among those who were enterally fed, patients who were using a pacified were less inclined to have a pathologic tympanogram (62.5% vs. 92.3%). Discussion: Children with tracheotomy have a greater tendency for OME than healthy. Mechanical ventilation seems to adversely affect middle ear ventilation. Oral feeding is associated with better Eustachian tube function and less middle ear pathology. Pacifier usage was also found beneficial in reducing OME in this population.
Atsmoni SC, Weinberger H, Shummer E, Sakat R, Adelman C, Fraenkel ND, et al. The Prevalence of Otitis Media with Effusion in Children with Tracheotomy. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019; 2(8): 1068.