Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 2, Issue 6 | Case Report | Open Access
Fatogoma Issa Koné1*, Naouma Cissé1, Djibril Samaké2, Diarra et N'faly Konaté1, Yaya Dembélé1, N'faly Konaté1, Neuilly Tafo3, Samba Karim Timbo1 and Mohamed Amadou Kéïta1
1Department of ENT-Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital of Gabriel Toure, Mali2Department of ENT-Head and Neck Surgery, Reference Health Center Town V, Mali3Department of ENT-Head and Neck Surgery, Reference Health Center Town I, Mali
*Correspondance to: Kone Fatogoma Issa
Fulltext PDFObjectives: We report a case of fenestration and phlebectasia of the right jugular vein with the spinal nerve passing between the branches of the fenestration. Through this case we discussed the surgical implications and review the literature. Case Report: From 2013 to 2017, we conducted 1720 cervicotomies. On 1720 cervicotomies we only found one case of fenestration and phlebectasia of the internal jugular vein that makes a rate of 0.058%. Cervicotomy was conducted as part of the management of neurofibroma. The outcome was good. Conclusion: The knowledge of the anatomical variations of the internal jugular vein is imperative for any ENT surgeon especially in a context of deficient plateau that does not allow the most often to make the preoperative diagnosis.
Fenestration; Phlebectasia; Internal jugular vein; Spinal nerve
Koné FI, Cissé N, Samaké D, et N'faly Konaté D, Dembélé Y, N'faly Konaté, et al. Fenestration and Phlebectasia of the Internal Jugular Vein. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019;2(6):1058 .