Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 2, Issue 5 | Research Article | Open Access
Diána Szabó, Miklós Csanády* and László Rovó
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, University of Szeged, Hungary
*Correspondance to: Miklós Csanády
Fulltext PDFAuthors report the larynx function sparing surgical technique: supraglottic hemipharyngolaryngectomy in 44 cases of T1 and T2 early pyriform sinus tumours infiltrating the supraglottic area and the medial hypopharyngeal wall. Surgical technique, preoperative diagnostics, oncological and functional results are demonstrated. Between 2000 to 2011, 44 patients underwent function sparing supraglottic hemipharyngo-laryngectomy with neck dissection. In 34 cases the therapy was completed with radiotherapy according to the pathological stage of the primary tumour and the lymph nodes. During the period of following in case of 10 patients (23%) did not occur recurrent tumour. In 4 (9%) patients total laryngectomy was performed due to local recurrents, 7 (16%) patients underwent radical neck dissection due to late cervical metastases. Second primary tumour occurred in case of 4 (9%) patients and 12 (27%) patients were diagnosed with distant metastases. 12 (27%) of our patients died because of distant recurrences, and 6 (14%) because of other reasons. The KaplanMaier survival rate shows the followings: 1 year 76.5%, 3 year 41.9%, and 5 year 36.4%. The authors find that the supraglottic hemipharyngo-laryngectomy combined with neck dissection is an appropriate technique in the clinical practice for the removal of early hypopharyngeal tumours invading the medial wall of pyriform sinus not only for function sparing but from oncological aspect as well. The phonation of the patients after surgery is good, the quality of life is significantly better than after total laryngectomy even in spite of the remaining minimal aspiration.
Supraglottic hemipharyngo-laryngectomy; Lateral pharyngotomy; T1-2 pyriform sinus tumours; Larynx function sparing; Neck dissection
Szabó D, Csanády M, Rovó L. Hemipharyngo-Laryngectomy for Treatment of T1-2 Hypopharyngeal Tumours. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019;2(5):1052.