Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 2, Issue 3 | Short Communication | Open Access
Behzad Maghsoudi1* and Mohammad Shokri2
1Department of Anesthesia, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
2Department of Anesthesia, Head of Central Shiraz Hospital, Iran
*Correspondance to: Behzad Maghsoudi
Fulltext PDFSome person suffers from faintness when they accompany hospitalized patients. In the present prospective study, any case of faintness in the second stage of recovery room was included to the study. We investigated the cause and predisposing conditions ended in fainting.
Maghsoudi B, Shokri M. The Causes of Recovery Room Fainting in Eye/ENT Visitors after Visiting their Patients Postoperatively. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019;2(3):1042.