Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 1, Issue 3 | Case Report | Open Access
Abhinaya Shivakumar* and Dinesh Kumar Sathanantham
Department of General Surgery, SDUMC, India
*Correspondance to: Abhinaya Shivakumar
Fulltext PDFBackground: Myiasis- the feeding of fly larvae on living mammals has various clinical presentations depending on involved tissues or organs. The most recognised causative organism Dermatobia hominis. It involves various sites; rarity in this case report is the site of involvement and in turn occurrence of an underlying malignancy.
Case Report: A 68 year old lady, presented with an ulcer over the right side of the pre-auricular region for 1 year. On examination, it was infested with maggot’s larvae, which later on had a underlying squamous cell carcinoma with basal cell carcinoma. Patient underwent treatment for the same. Details of the case and the management is been presented.
Conclusion: Myiasis transmitted by Human Botfly, infests all cavities mainly ENT sites, in debilitated individuals. But its occurrence in an open space of the body, and its association is a rarity and has been reported in this case. Author concludes that all myiasis should be managed meticulously.
Myiasis; Pre-auricular; Pi; Squamous cell carcinoma
Shivakumar A, Sathanantham DK. An Unusual Case of Pre-Auricular Myiasis. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018;1(3):1012.