Am J Med Public Health | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access
Sheila C Vir1* and Shoba Suri2
1Public Health Nutrition and Development Centre, India 2Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, India
*Correspondance to: Sheila C Vir
Fulltext PDFMaternal nutrition impacts not only the woman’s health during pregnancy but also that of her newborn; the child’s health in their first 1,000 days of life, in turn, will influence outcomes during childhood. Indeed, maternal undernutrition is estimated to account for 20 percent of childhood stunting in India. It is therefore important to ensure that women enter pregnancy in good health, as measured for example in adequate height and weight, and micronutrient deficiency parameters such as those that determine susceptibility to anemia. This paper argues for strengthening the implementation of both, direct nutrition services and nutrition-sensitive measures that will improve maternal health. A comprehensive national maternal nutrition policy that incorporates interventions through various platforms should accelerate India’s efforts in improving maternal nutrition and reducing childhood stunting.
Vir SC, Suri S. Maternal Nutrition and Childhood Stunting: Key Learnings from India's National Family Health Survey – 5. Am J Med Public Health. 2022;3(1):1033..