Am J Med Public Health | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Agajie Likie Bogale1*, Nega Berhe Belay1, Tilahun Teklehaymanot1, Getnet Mitike Kassie2, Jemal Haidar3 and Girmay Medhin1
1Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
2International Institute of Primary Health Care-Ethiopia, Ethiopia
3School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
*Correspondance to: Agajie Likie Bogale
Fulltext PDFObjective: This study aims to assess awareness and the attitudes of HIV positive women in Ethiopia towards cervical cancer and its screening.
Methods: A cross-sectional study among HIV positive women was conducted from January to October 2021. Six hospitals were selected based on ART burden and the initiation of screening. A total of 578 eligible consented women were consecutively recruited. The data collection was made using ODK Collect v1.29.2. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 25. The Likert scale was applied to obtain the attitude score, and Cronbach’s alpha used to measure the internal consistency of items. Logistic regression model was used, and P-value less than 5% was taken as statistical significance.
Results: Participants mean age, 38.86 (SD=5.47). The majority had heard of cervical cancer and 71.8% had heard about its screening. Almost half of the study participants had un-favorable attitude towards cervical cancer and its screening. The odds of having positive attitude towards cervical cancer and its screening was significantly associated with being non-governmental employees [AOR=1.84, 95% CI (1.071-3.158)] or self-employed [AOR=1.80, 95% CI (1.11-2.91)]. Women that do not use modern contraceptive use had reduced odds of having a positive attitude towards cervical cancer and its screening, [AOR=0.66, 95% CI (0.456-0.945)].
Conclusion: Significant proportion of the study participants had un-favorable attitude towards cervical cancer and its screening. The finding highlights the need for the Ministry of Health to work on the strategies to enhance the attitudes of HIV positive women towards cervical cancer and its screening.
Awareness and attitude; Cervical cancer; Screening; HIV positive women; Ethiopia
Bogale AL, Belay NB, Teklehaymanot T, Kassie GM, Haidar J, Medhin G. Awareness and Attitudes of HIV Positive Women towards Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Ethiopia: A Health Facility Based Cross- Sectional Study. Am J Med Public Health. 2022;3(1):1031..