Am J Med Public Health | Volume 2, Issue 4 | Review Article | Open Access
Suraj Gupte1*, Novy Gupte2, Sushmita Patil3 and John William3
1Department of Pediatrics, Mamata Medical College and Hospitals, India
2Department of Pharmacology, Army College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
3Department of Pediatrics, Wadia Hospital, Mumbai, India
*Correspondance to: Suraj Gupte
Fulltext PDFBackground: Growing upsurge in development of resistance to the existing antimicrobials, especially worsened by escalated overuse of antibiotics, has emerged as a huge challenge to the survival of mankind as well as livestock. Aim and Objective: To assess the possibility of using probiotics as an alternative or complementary therapy to antibiotics in infectious diseases. Design: A systematic review of the English medical literature concerning dynamics of probiotics as an antimicrobial therapy. Salient findings: Nearly all available studies point to the antimicrobial activity of the probiotics with variations in the quantum of this property. Most studies confirm that probiotics used as a complementary therapy along with antibiotics are of value. As regards role of probiotics as alternatives to antibiotics, there is hardly any convincing evidence in the published literature favoring this. Furthermore, there is a need to establish the exact mechanism of action, optimal dose in different situations, duration of administration, etc. Conclusion: In spite of the several benefits of probiotics in relation to the health of the gut, it remains debatable if the application of its formulations as an alternative to antibiotic therapy is acceptable. However, their role as a complementary therapy seems well recognized. Well-planned bio-guided studies, including clinical trials, are warranted to address the existing gaps and grey areas in the knowledge. Clinical impact: Whereas use of probiotics as a complementary therapy with antibiotics may well be a useful approach, the same cannot be claimed in case of probiotics as an alternative to antimicrobials unless further studies bring about convincing evidence to this effect.
Adjunct; Antibiotics; Antimicrobials; Antimicrobial resistance; Antimicrobial activity; Alternative antimicrobial therapy; Multidrug-resistance; Probiotics
Gupte S, Gupte N, Patil S, William J. Probiotics: Perspectives as Antimicrobial Therapy. Am J Med Public Health. 2021; 2(4): 1028.