Am J Med Public Health | Volume 2, Issue 3 | Review Article | Open Access
Novy Gupte* and Sapna Pradhan
Department of Pharmacology, Army College of Medical Sciences, India
*Correspondance to: Novy Gupte
Fulltext PDFBackground: Over the recent decades, increasing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) has emerged as a huge public health problem worldwide. Left inadequately addressed, it may end up with a situation resembling pre-antimicrobial era with emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases that had been brought under control or eradicated. The quantum of resultant morbidity and mortality and economic fallout can be massive.
Objective: An overview of the ongoing approaches directed at prevention and control of AMR at different levels.
Design: A critical review of the English medical literature on AMR with special reference to its prevention, control and containment.
Results: AMR is a natural phenomenon. However, its spread is boosted by irrational antimicrobial use. The malady needs to be fought on a war-footing with restrengthened emphasis on inculcating awareness amongst people at large and the stakeholders such as doctors, nurses and paramedics to shun abuse of antimicrobial agents. In keeping with the WHO’s Global Action Plan, in the year 2017 India launched its own National Action Plan which is well-structured, relevant to India’s circumstances and comprehensive. However, it's appropriate implementation and execution at ground level warrants a big “push” developing newer antimicrobials should be a top research modality to circumvent the ineffectiveness of the existing antimicrobials.
Conclusion: Result-oriented endeavors towards containment of the global problem need further strengthening. Check on the irrational use of antimicrobials is mandatory to the success of various components of the programs. Furthermore, researchers need to develop newer antimicrobials on priority.
Antimicrobial resistance; COVID-19; Extensively drug resistance; India’s National Action Plan; Multidrug-resistance; Newer antibiotics; Pandrug resistance; Who’s Global Action Plan
Gupte N, Pradhan S. Antimicrobial Resistance: Prevention and Control of the Global Crisis. Am J Med Public Health. 2021; 2(3):1021..