Am J Med Public Health | Volume 2, Issue 2 | Research Article | Open Access
Shumaila Qadir1, Hina Rehman2, Saima Saleem1*, Rabia Noor1 and Safila Naveed1
1Jinnah University for Women, Karachi, Pakistan
2Department of Pharmacy Practice, Institute of pharmaceutical Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Pakistan
*Correspondance to: Saima Saleem
Fulltext PDFObjective: The purpose of this study was to investigate community pharmacist’s attitude and their knowledge for implementation of pharmaceutical care in their practice that enhance patient’s “quality of life” with better outcome. Pharmacy education should increase the competencies of students for provision of PC and should resolve barriers that influence their behavior towards PC.
Method: A cross-sectional study, using online survey forms were prepared to asses’ pharmacist’s attitude. Validated and close ended questions were included. Data was analyzed statistically using chi square test considering value of Pearson test.
Result: Out 250 respondents, there were 69 male pharmacists (27.6%) and 181 female pharmacists (72.4). Most of respondents were aware of fact that their prime responsibility is to resolve medication related problems (91.2%). They believe that in their practice pharmacists should provide PC. Barriers to which most pharmacists agreed were lack of confidence implementing such services in community pharmacies (86.4%), lack of motivation, interest and time (87.6%), lack of training for providing PC in pharmacies (80.8%).
Conclusion: Positive attitude was observed among community pharmacist towards PC. More steps should be taken to overcome their perceived barriers.
Pharmaceutical care; Cognitive pharmacy services; Knowledge; Attitude
Qadir S, Rehman H, Saleem S, Noor R, Naveed S. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Evaluation of Community Pharmacists Apropos of Cognitive Pharmacy Services. Am J Med Public Health. 2021; 2(2):1016..