Am J Med Public Health | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access

Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice and Associated Factors among Mothers Having Infants (Aged 0-6 Months) in the Pastoral Community of Sawena District, Bale Zone Oromia, Ethiopia, 2023

Hussein D1*, Girma D1, Teressa B1, Kumbe BM1, Oyato BT2, Birhanu B3, Geleta RE4, Ibrahim SM5 and Lakew MS5

1Department of Public Health, College of Health Science, Salale University, Ethiopia 2Department of Midwifery, College of Health Science, Salale University, Ethiopia 3Adola Wayu General Hospital, Oromia Regional Health Bureau, Ethiopia 4Mojo Primary Hospital, Oromia Regional Health Bureau, Ethiopia 5Ginnir District Health Office, Oromia Regional Health Bureau, Ethiopia

*Correspondance to: Dursa Hussein 

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Background: Breastfeeding is the recommended feeding method for infants due to its ease, health benefits, and cost-effectiveness. However, there is limited understanding of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) in pastoral communities, such as the Sawena district in Ethiopia. Objective: To assess the prevalence and factors associated with EBF among mothers with infant (aged 0-6 months) in pastoral communities in Southeast Ethiopia.


Exclusive breastfeeding practice; Infants aged 0-6 months; Associated factors; Sawena district


Hussein D, Girma D, Teressa B, Kumbe BM, Oyato BT, Birhanu B, et al. Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice and Associated Factors among Mothers Having Infants (Aged 0-6 Months) in the Pastoral Community of Sawena District, Bale Zone Oromia, Ethiopia, 2023. Am J Med Public Health. 2024; 5(1): 1061..

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