Am J Gerontol Geriatr | Volume 1, Issue 2 | Short Communication | Open Access
Spenciere B* and Charchat-Fichman H
Department of Psychology, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
*Correspondance to: Spenciere B
Fulltext PDFThe aim of the study is to propose a new Clock Drawing Test scoring system that classifies planning and organizing strategies of clock drawing construction. Seventy seven healthy older adults (60- 90 years), participants of a community center in Rio de Janeiro were evaluated. The construction sequences processes of drawing the clock were analyzed. Then, strategies for the CDT were classified and categorized. The results showed diversity in the patterns adopted by the elderly. The strategies circle-number-center-pointer (general sequence) and quadrant (numerical sequence) associated with measures that evaluate planning. This new classification is a possible method that complements the previous existing quantitative and qualitative scoring systems.
Spenciere B, Charchat-Fichman H. Strategies Classification of the Clock- Drawing Test Construction. Am J Gerentol Geriatr. 2018; 1(2): 1010.